Monday, March 29, 2021

Mounds, Mayhem and Mushrooms

 "Christian" cultists squared off against Native Americans at Serpent Mound, on the Winter Solstice, December 2020. Fortunately, there wasn't a Spring Redux on March 20, 2021. Maybe the MAGA election defeat caused some wind to go out of their bigoted sails.  Maybe they bought a clue somewhere.

Serpent Mound is found within an ancient impact crater.

Serpent Mound is one of the most significant places within the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex. Other sites include Cahokia, Mound City, and Moundville.

The anger, fear, and bigotry on display at Serpent Mound by the Christian Cultists is nothing new of course. Important research regarding the mounds and their relationship to the Hopewell and Adena cultures has been thwarted time and again, ever since the mounds were 'discovered' by European settlers. One of the most striking and unusual chapters in this tale is still unfolding, and features discoveries that were made at the Moundville, Alabama site.

The theft at Moundville remains the largest recorded antiquities theft in the South of the U.S.A.

Unknown reasons?  Well let's see. Alabama, Deep South, 1980. The beginning of the Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" anti-drug culture. USA locked in cold war against the "Godless" communists. Marijuana 'The Devil's Lettuce" still very much illegal everywhere, not to mention psychedelic mushrooms. And now some student  researchers down in Alabama start shining a light on boxes of subglobular bottles with otherworldly designs, including skulls and winged serpents, along with evidence of shamanic  'pagan ceremonies' conducted on Alabama soil. 

Let's check back in with the 'Pass the Salt' Ministry to see how these discoveries might have gone over in Alabama, in 1980:

Those evil drums! 

 Someone made a big chunk of the Moundville artifacts disappear, and investigators had reason to believe that the crime may have been interrupted in progress. The thieves may have intended to clean house.

You see, the thing about all these stolen  sub globular bottles with ceremonial designs, is that when you have a whole bunch of them together, and you turn them upside-down...

They look quite a bit  like mushroom caps

I've seen some interesting things written about the winged serpents, and other designs on the outside of the sub- globular bottles. But I haven't seen much discussion about what type of residues or objects were found inside the bottles.
I'm not a gambler, I spend my dough on Art supplies, but if I was forced to make a guess as to something the bottles might have contained, I would put my money on mushrooms

"found on the inside of a low platform of earth"

"The placement of these objects suggests they held special significance for the Hopewell"

Imagine if the Moundville discoveries (and other similar discoveries) regarding the mounds were  made widely accessible. People might start getting crazy ideas about the relationship ancient humans had with mushrooms. Why, they might even feel like its something they would like to try themselves. 

 Contemporary researchers have found striking correspondences between mound features and stars in both the Draco and Pleiades constellations.

Wayne Herschel and Mark Scott have published some dramatic and compelling  research that links the significance of many ancient ceremonial sites, including Serpent Mound.

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