Friday, January 15, 2021

From Contact to KEK: The Secret CERNs

"First Rule in Government Spending" quote from the 1997 Science Fiction film "Contact".

The hybrid Government/Private Industry "International Machine Consortium" in Contact references real-world organization CERN, IMCs "Great Machine" parallels the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

CERN Worldwide: Everyone's wetting their beaks with contract cash these days

Contact. Established in 1997.

KEK. Established in 1997.

Media narratives regarding CERN's LHC project - "INTO THE MULTIVERSE"

CERN/CONTACT Mashups abound on the Intertubes

 The technology at CERN's LHC will soon be outdated, like an old Atari 2600 system. 

More Important Than Anything: Money

The Future Circular Collider-"There's no telling how long it might take to build"